Stating our beliefs can be a powerful thing. Some of you may have heard the “This I Believe” series over the last four years on National Public Radio. If you have, you’ve probably been struck by the power of these simple statements of belief, and how energized the speakers are by their beliefs. Well, MVCC is very important to me. I’m inspired by the work we do here, and by the changes I see in the way we’re starting to go about our work. I’m just as excited to be here as the first day I walked through the door, and I’m energized by my belief in this place. I want to share some of those beliefs with you.
This, I believe:
I believe that our community needs us more than ever…
that we need to help our community, help our students, and help each other … And that we need our vision, mission, and values to help that happen.
I believe
I believe that the economy is highlighting what community colleges can do for this country - witness the current proposal put forth by President Obama to invest $9 billion in community colleges...
...And that we can highlight what this institution can do for this community, because we are among the most important assets around.
I believe each of us is a critical part of an amazing whole. But I also believe that each of us needs to start caring more for the whole of this place…
…That if each of us cares more for the whole, we’ll find the organization more able to care for our students and our community better …
…And that if we care only about ourselves and our own needs, we won’t get where we need to be – either individually or as a college community.
I believe the stars of this organization aren’t just the people with the highest rank or the most skill…
… Our stars are the people who are willing to go the extra mile to help one another—and to help each individual student…
… And that every one of us should aspire to be more like those stars.
I believe that the best idea should win, not the best argument, or the loudest opinion, or the solution that emanates from the employee with the most formal authority in the room. I believe the best idea should win that benefits the students. I believe we all have, in our hearts, what we think is best for students – but that’s where it breaks down. We need to explore each others’ ideas to define that common understanding of what we all believe and come to know as what’s best for students. The exploration of new ideas will continue to bring us more change.
I believe that the best way for us to deal with change is to remain patient with ourselves, patient with each other, patient with our partners, and patient with our students– if we do, we will emerge from change, both present and future, with the ability to absolutely astound ourselves by what we can do. As John Quincy Adams said, “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”
I believe that everyone here wants to do a good job every day…
… That each one of us wants to be part of something meaningful …
… And that there’s no more meaningful work than being a part of a place that transforms lives.
I believe that we’re at a key point in MVCC’s history...
… That we’re ready to do some extraordinary things together…
I believe in all of you.
I believe in us.
And I believe in Mohawk Valley Community College!
This I believe. Let's make it a great year.
If you would like to share your thoughts on these beliefs - common or different - please share them with me at